Winter Is Coming! – 3 Tips To Prepare Your Parking Lot - The Pavement Group

Winter Is Coming! – 3 Tips To Prepare Your Parking Lot

We’ve all been there. Watching the snowfall covering our asphalt pavement surfaces in Minneapolis, MN and across the US’s rust belt, and envisioning the dull, cracked, and damaged asphalt surface that we will see reappear in spring after the lengthy punishment that winter brings. 

Yes, asphalt is a durable and lasting construction material. But it requires ongoing care and maintenance. At The Pavement Group, we always tell our clients to think of their asphalt pavement as an investment that needs to be adequately protected to extend its life to its full potential. (click here to learn more about our services).

Asphalt is especially susceptible to weather damage. That’s why you need to be on guard when the weatherman tells you that it’s going to be rough. In today’s blog, we share three ways to maintain your asphalt from fall to winter, so that your pavement stays stable and healthy through the beginning of spring. 

Crack Filling and Sealcoating

Cracks are among the most common signs of asphalt damage. Cracks will ruin your pavement surface’s appearance and create instability in the stone base under the surface. The cracks that appear are the start of long-term issues on your parking lot.

If you ignore cracks on your parking lot, you are inviting further deterioration that will cost you a significant amount of money in the long run. The risk of the increased cost is precisely why when fall arrives, the first thing you need to is to seal the cracks throughout your parking lot.

Having your parking lot surface protected by it being properly sealcoated puts a protective layer on your pavement surface to protect it from the abuse it takes from winter weather and the snow removal process throughout the winter.

If you notice potholes on your pavement in the fall, you must get them repaired before winter. Before the arrival of freezing temperatures, handling the above items will position your parking lot best to withstand the test of winter weather.

Proper Snow Removal

As a property owner, you should know how damaging water and weather elements are for your asphalt. Snow, especially, is dangerous for your pavement. This risk is why come winter, you should have a plan of action for quick and consistent snow removal from your driveway or parking lot. 

The buildup of snow on your pavement not only makes your property inaccessible, but it also leads to deterioration in the form of cracks and potholes. 

But merely removing snow is not enough. How you move the snow matters a lot. 

There is no point in removing snow to protect your asphalt if you end up damaging the surface in the process. It is always best to hire professionals who can even remove snow quickly and safely during a snow-storm. A professional snow removal company can help you clear snow from your property without damaging the asphalt or the concrete curbs throughout your parking lot.

Choose the Right De-Icing Materials

This follows from the previous point. While water and snow wreak havoc on your asphalt, harmful chemicals are also destructive agents. That is why you should always be careful what de-icing materials are used on your asphalt and concrete surfaces.

While rock salt is porous and can melt the ice quickly, it is terrible for asphalt. Instead, use safe de-icing materials that are applied using the right application rate. Once again, it is ideal that you let the professionals handle this part of things as well.

So there you have it. These are the top three ways to keep your asphalt pavement surfaces protected from harsh winters in Minneapolis, MN and across the Midwest and Northeast. At The Pavement Group, we offer a complete range of asphalt and concrete maintenance services year-round. Click here to learn more about how we can help you maintain your asphalt throughout every season.